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       The Catron County Fair Association is not responsible for private treaty animals. (Animals sold privately that were not in the sale).                  Exhibitors will be responsible for all non-sale animals. The Catron County Fair is committed to the humane treatment of all animals                  exhibited. Every possible precaution is taken to insure the animals’ safety and well-being. The production practices in the livestock                  industry are based on good principles of animal husbandry. No one has a greater economic stake in the welfare of animals than the              livestock producers and organizations involved in the promotion of agriculture. General rules will apply to all livestock entries. Poultry            and Rabbit entries will be on Wednesday from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. All entries must be in place by 8:00 pm. Steer, heifer, lamb,                      swine & goat weigh-in will begin on Wednesday from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm and will have a reweigh on Thursday at 8:00 am. Remember          the mandatory exhibitors meeting at 9:00 am Thursday. All livestock exhibitors are required to attend. Animals will be released                        at  5:00 pm. Saturday. The Fair Association, Fair Association Directors, and/or Superintendents assume no responsibility for loss                    or accident to any animal. Exhibitors will be responsible for their livestock until they are loaded to the packer or returned to home.

  1.    Exhibitors not abiding by these rules are subject to the penalties stated in these rules, are subject to dismissal from the grounds                     and/or may forfeit all entry fees paid.

  2.   All contestants in this department must be bona fide 4-H club members enrolled in projects they are exhibiting or FFA members in                    Catron County for the current school year, certified by the County Agent or Agriculture Education Advisor.

  3.   All entries must be certified as to eligibility by the County Agent or FFA Adviser. On- line entries will be reviewed by county agent and              FFA advisers

  4.   An on-line entry must be completed for each animal being entered into the fair. No animal will be allowed to show unless an on-line                 entry, or paper entry in special situations, has been completed.

  5.   Livestock, Rabbits & Poultry entries will close on the first Friday in August.

  6.   All livestock exhibitors must check in with the livestock secretary between 6 & 8 pm Wed. to receive their fair packet, this includes                     poultry and rabbit. Exhibitors must be present and must sign the general fund donor thank you letter before they will receive a                       packet. Once checked in no animal may leave the fairgrounds. If removed they are not allowed back on fairgrounds and are                           disqualified with no return of entry fees.

  7.   Exhibitors will be required to show their own animal, unassisted. Any exceptions must be approved by the superintendent, in advance             of the show. If they have two animals in the same weight division, the second animal can be shown by another qualified exhibitor. An              exhibitor can be excused from showing their own animal by the Livestock Superintendent for documented health reasons.

  8.   The Health Regulations for all animals is a summary of the New Mexico Livestock rules and regulations for animals entering the show               grounds. The New Mexico Livestock Board governs the movement of livestock into shows, fairs, and exhibitions. There may be new                 hauling regulations; it is the exhibitors’ responsibility to check with the New Mexico Livestock Board for hauling, health paper, and any             rule changes.

  9.   The Catron County Fair Association, Fair Association Directors, and/or Livestock Superintendents, will not be responsible for loss,                   damage, or injury to animals exhibited, or for any article of any kind that may be lost or destroyed, or in any way damaged. Each                    exhibitor will be responsible for any injury that may be occasioned by any person whomsoever, by an animal owned or exhibited by                  him.

  10.   Exhibitor shall indemnify the Catron County Fair against all claims, demands, suits, or judgments of any kind or nature, including                      attorneys fees and costs that may grow out of injury, damage or loss occasioned by any animal owned or exhibited by him, or arise                from any person in charge of any such animal. All animals exhibited in this show will be exhibited entirely at the owner’s risk. The                     Catron County fair will not be responsible for injury sustained in any way to exhibitors or spectators. 

  11.   At the close of the Fair, all exhibits must be claimed by the exhibitor or by parties representing the exhibitor. Those in charge will                     assume no responsibility for exhibits or belongings left on the fairgrounds after the close of the fair unless definite instructions have             been left with the Superintendent of the department.

  12.  No contestant, exhibitor, rodeo official, or anyone officially connected with the Catron County Fair shall consume alcoholic beverages             on the fairgrounds or at the rodeo arena. Any contestant or exhibitor doing so will be removed from the fairgrounds and will forfeit             any fees that have been paid. The fairgrounds is county property and it is unlawful to possess or consume alcoholic beverages on                county property. County property is subject to surveillance by the Catron County Sheriff’s Department and/or New Mexico State                    Police. 

  13.  All market animal entries are $10.00 

  14.  New Mexico Brand Requirements: All livestock, when traveling in or out of your district, must have a Certificate of livestock Inspection            from your local Livestock Inspector.

  15.  Deadline for disposition for all animals is 30 minutes after the lamb showmanship. If the exhibitor does not inform the Superintendent             of deposition, animals will NOT be included in the sale.

  16.  Classes will be set and determined by the superintendent.

  17.  A cleaning fee of $25 will be assessed to the exhibitor for unclean stalls.

  18.  Goat, lamb and swine must be continuously owned and personally cared for by the exhibitor science June 1 of current year.

  19.  Entry Fee $10.00 for Market Meat Pen, Breeding Pen, and Single Bird.heir own cups for water and feed.

  20.  All exhibitors must complete a "Disposition Form" for ALL animals entered in the fair. Forms must be filled out and signed by the                       exhibitor, parent, and division superintendent. All forms must then be turned in to the livestock office NO LATER than thirty minutes                 after the completion of lamb showmanship. Failure to turn in a signed disposition form may result in the exhibitor being pulled from                 the sale. 

  21.  The Catron County Fair Association and/or the Catron Fair Board Directors will not be responsible for any loss or damage or injury to             poultry, rabbit or market animals exhibited, or for any kind or nature that may be lost or destroyed. The Catron County Fair and/or                the Catron County Fair Board Directors will not be responsible or liable for any injury or loss of or damage to property sustained in any          way to exhibitors or spectators.

  22.  No dogs allowed in barn area

  23.  There will be no rule changes at any time without a vote of the Fairboard

  24.  Animals that are not entered in the fair or that have not been properly inspected will not be allowed on the fairgrounds.

  25.  No exhibit unworthy of an award shall receive one, even though there is no competition, nor shall any exhibit receive an award greater           than its merits justify.

  26.  Once checked in no animal may leave the fairgrounds. If removed they are not allowed back on fairgrounds and are disqualified with               no return of entry fees.

  27.  Conduct: Exhibitors are warned that any act of discourtesy or disobedience to the officials on the part of the exhibitor, parents, or               sponsors will disqualify the exhibitor from adjudication, and the owner shall forfeit his entrance and other fees. Any exhibitor, parent,           or sponsor who shall attempt to interfere with judges in the performance of their duties, or who shall make any false statement in                 regard to any animal exhibited or shall interfere with clerks and judges books, shall be excluded from the competition and may be                   subject to other disciplinary actions. 

  28.  Judges’ decisions are FINAL. Judges are selected on a two-year rotation.

  29.  Federal and State Livestock Board sanitation regulations will apply.

  30.  Exhibitors must furnish all water pails and feed boxes.

  31.  Each exhibitor is responsible for the care, showing, and selling of his or her own animals.

  32.  Ethics: The following are termed Unethical Practices Animals that have been given any form of intoxicating beverage, tranquilizer,                 substance, or other drug affecting mood or attitude prior to judging; Use of any product or substance administered internally or used           externally to alter the appearance or conformation of an animal for exhibition. This includes the use of graphite, powders, dyes,                    hemp, false tail-heads, glued on hair, or hair-like substances, or other similar substances externally, steroids, growth stimulants,                     diuretic, or artificial filling internally. Judges are requested to report to the management any animals upon which a surgical operation             has been performed to improve their "show" appearance.

  33.  Medication: "The use of any chemical or compound that is not approved by the FDA for use in meat producing animals and the illegal             use of approved chemicals or compounds is prohibited." Unapproved is deemed to mean not approved by the Food and Drug                         Administration (FDA) and/or the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) for slaughter animals. "If an animal passes all USDA but fails             any FDA testing for the presence of drug(s) or other chemicals, the Animal will be condemned by the show officials and not allowed for           consumption. 

  34.  As a condition for participation in the Show, every exhibitor must agree to submit any animal entered by exhibitor to inspection by a               veterinarian appointed by the 6 management, FDA, USDA/FSIS, New Mexico Department of Agriculture, and/or New Mexico                             Department of Health and agrees to have such animal submitted to any tests as may be designated and requested by the                               veterinarian. The Show specifically reserves the right to have tissue, blood or urine laboratory analysis made on any animal entered                for competition The conclusions reached by the veterinarian, as to whether such animal has been administered or given a substance or         drug in violation of the rules or has not been properly withdrawn from approved drugs shall be final, without recourse against the Show          or any of its officers. A licensed veterinarian should be consulted before administering any medication or growth stimulant.

  35.  If, after examination by an official veterinarian, an animal is found to have been subject to unethical practices, including producing an           analysis with a quantity of a substance or drug in violation of these rules: It will be disqualified barred from further exhibition no                     awards will be made for the involved animal and any other animal exhibited by exhibitor entry fees will not be refunded the Exhibitor             will forfeit all rights and privileges.

  36.  The U.S. Department of Agriculture Wholesome Meat Act applies to the sale of market livestock sold during the Catron County Fair as           follows: a. Animals must be in good health and carcasses free of drug or chemical residues; b. Antibiotics and sulfonamides have                   required withdrawal periods; c. Drug label directions for use and withdrawal periods must be followed; d. If drug or other chemical                 residues are found in tissue of carcasses, the entire carcass may be condemned.

  37.  It is the sole responsibility of the Exhibitor to ensure that the animal is free of the above prescribed drugs and substances. The                     extent of knowledge on the part of the Exhibitor with regard to the drugs or substance found in an animal is not relevant to any                   issue, and it shall not be a defense that a person or persons unknown introduced the prescribed-substance into the animal. If a                     product in violation of this rule is found in the tissue of a carcass of any animal sold through sales connected with the Catron County           Fair, the Fair will in no way be liable or responsible for condition of carcass or sale price of animal and the carcass will be condemned             and exhibitor forfeits all rights to sale proceeds, premiums, and prizes.

   38.  Any person that in any way performs any act that would alter an animal’s appearance or actions without the owner’s permission,                  that person and their family may be forever barred from showing at the Catron County Fair. Any sponsoring Agent, Person                              associated with the sponsoring Agent, Adviser, Leader, Parent or Guardians who are found to be involved with the encouragement               of administering, providing of unapproved substances or recommendation of the use of unapproved substances will be barred from             future participation at the Catron County Fair. 

  39.  Fitting: The exhibitor’s parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters or any Catron County 4-H leader, County Agent or Agricultural                 Education Adviser may offer instruction and assistance to the exhibitor in preparing his/her animal for show. If instruction and                       assistance is required and performed, the exhibitor must be "actively” involved. The exhibitors’ involvement is the responsibility of the           parents and instructors.

  40.  Animals will be released following the sale on Saturday at 5:00 PM. Requests for early dismissal must be approved by the                                Departmental Superintendent and Livestock Superintendent.


                                                                            Dress Code

         During the Livestock Show and Livestock Sale exhibitors must wear long sleeve collared shirts, long pants and close toed shoes.                     Exhibitors must wear their back numbers during the show.

                                                                           JUNIOR LIVESTOCK SALE

        Saturday - 10:00 AM

  1.   Exhibitors must sell their own animal.

  2.  Each steer, swine, lamb, or goat exhibitor is allowed to sell one  animal.

  3.  Grand Champion exhibitors of Steer, Lamb, Goat, Swine, market pens of Poultry and Rabbit, will be allowed to sell another market                 animal. 

  4.  Only Grand Champion Jr. Market Meat Pen Rabbit, and Grand Champion Jr. Market Meat Pen Chicken will be eligible for the Jr. Livestock         Sale. Grand Champion Jr. Market Meat Pen may sell another Market animal.

  5.  Grand Champion Market animals must sell in order to receive a second sale slot.

  6.  There will be a 4% commission fee withheld from each sale item. This is used to pay for announcers, auctioneers, judges, ribbons,                   and other awards. All superintendents, fair board members, set-up and tear down personnel, BBQ and pancake breakfast personnel,             exhibit hall attendants, ring stewards, and many more are all volunteers.

  7.  The Catron County Fair Association is not responsible for private treaty animals. (Animals sold privately that were not in the sale)                   Exhibitors will be responsible for all non-sale animals.

  8.  Exhibitors are responsible to collect money from buyer of private treaty. 



                                                 LIVESTOCK SHOWMANSHIP

  1.  Entry Fee: $10.00 for all classes including Rabbit & Poultry.

  2.  To be eligible to win showmanship in any species a person must have animals of that species entered in the Junior Division.

  3.  Showmanship classes will be held after that species shows.

  4.  Winners will be announced after the showmanship class.

  5.  Exhibitors will be judged on their showmanship skills and abilities for the species they have entered into the livestock show.

  6.  Junior Showmanship: Ages 9-13

  7.  Senior Showmanship: Ages 14 and above 8

  8.  Each Junior & Senior winner in the following divisions will receive an award. Market Beef, Market Swine, Market Lamb, Market Goat, 4-H            Rabbit and 4-H Poultry Showmanship.


                                            Camping General Rules

1. Camping will be in designated areas only. The fair board has made every possible attempt to accommodate any and all campers. No exhibitor under the age of 18 shall be allowed to camp without adult supervision. Tents/camps of underage exhibitors must be within close proximity to their parents or guardians camps. NO individuals not directly related to the fair, i.e. exhibitors, judges, fair officials, etc., will be allowed to camp on the fairgrounds. You are requested to PLEASE TURN OFF ALL GENERATORS at 10:00 PM. It is the right of any fair official to request that a campsite be moved and/or removed from the fairgrounds. If individuals are not compliant, it is the right of any fair official to request the assistance of the Catron County Sheriff’s Department and/or New Mexico

General Livestock Rules

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