Catron County Fair
Celebrating the youth of Catron County for over 50 years!
Superintendent: Patricia Alguire
For additional information please see General Junior Livestock Rules.
1. Classes will be determined by the superintendent and follow the NM State Fair class rules.
2. Exhibitors will be allowed to post ribbons on coops after judging is completed on poultry of all breeds.
3. Exhibitors must furnish their own cups for water and feed. Exhibitors must keep their pen and surrounding area clean and animals properly fed and watered at all times and by 10:00 am at the latest daily. NO feed is allowed to remain in the barn. Exhibitors must place pen cleanings in designated areas. Exhibitors are responsible for the daily care, showing, and selling of their poultry, unless otherwise approved by the superintendent.
4. Exhibitor categories shall be as follows: A. Junior Poultry Entries (4-H and FFA Only) Single Bird, Breeding Pen, Market Meat Poultry. ONLY Junior Market Meat Poultry Entries are eligible for the Jr. Livestock Sale. ONLY Grand Champion Market Meat Poultry will sell at the Jr. Livestock Auction. 5. Single Bird and Breeding Poultry must be owned and cared for by the exhibitor by June 1 of current year. Single Bird and Breeding Pen Poultry entries are NOT eligible to compete in ANY Poultry Market Meat Class. Single and Breeding Pen Poultry are NOT eligible for the Jr. Livestock Auction.
6. Breeding Pen shall consist of 3 chickens (2 females and 1 male). These must be shown as young or old pens. A mixed pen or young and old will be excluded. Birds entered as a breeding pen cannot compete in a single bird classification, except for championships. Turkeys, geese, and ducks are excluded. Birds entered as breeding pens cannot compete in the Market Meat Poultry classifications.
7. Young Pen: One cockerel and two pullets. Old Pen: One cock and two hens. All birds in the pen must be the same variety.
8. The terms cock, hen, cockerel, pullet are defined as follows: Cock: a male bird hatched prior to January 1sr of current year, Hen: a female bird hatched prior to January 1 of current year, Cockerel: a male bird hatched during this year, Pullet: a female bird hatched during the year. An old duck, drake, goose, gander and tom are defined as those hatched before January 1 of the current year. A young duck, drake, goose, gander, and tom are those hatched after January 1 of the current year.
9. Turkeys, geese, ducks, or any other game birds will be in a class called Other Poultry. Other Poultry will be shown as singles
10. Any breed or variety recognized by the American Bantam Association and the American Poultry Association is eligible to be shown even if that class is not listed.
11. Poultry entered should come from a Pullorum FREE flock or be tested per NPIP.
12. Classes will be determined by the superintendent and follow the NM State Fair class rules.
13. No person will be permitted to handle exhibits during judging without permission of show officials. Any person interfering with a judge or judging in any way will cause his/her exhibits to be disqualified.
14. Open Division: Every one of all ages is invited to bring their poultry for exhibit. This applies to commercial or registered breeders. Open division animals are for DISPLAY ONLY. No awards, premiums, ribbons, etc, will be awarded. Bring your own pens and your animal can be displayed, space permitting.
15. Positively no diseased stock will be admitted to the show. Any stock arriving sick will be returned to the owner or placed in quarantine. Birds will be inspected daily and any birds showing signs of contagious diseases will be removed or placed in quarantine.
16. No exhibit unworthy of an award shall receive one, even though there is no competition, nor shall any exhibit receive an award greater than its merits justify.
17. Poultry Show and Showmanship will be on Thursday, IMMEDIATELY following the Rabbit Show and Showmanship, in the show ring. JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP ENTRY FEE: $2.00 See Herdsman & Showmanship Rules.
Poultry Showmanship Classes will be as follows:
1. Junior Showmanship: Ages 9-13, Senior Showmanship: Ages 14 and above. Each Junior & Senior winner will receive a belt pin. See Showmanship Rules. Junior & Senior Showmanship is for 4-H and FFA members only.
2. Pee Wee Showmanship: Ages 5-9 (9 years and not enrolled in 4-H or FFA) years of age. If there are sufficient entries these participants will be judged. Pee Wee Showmanship will be held on Thursday, after the Jr. Rabbit and Poultry Shows and Showmanship. Pee Wee Showmanship entry fee: None. All Pee Wee Showmanship entries must sign in with the superintendent. Pee Wee Showmanship availability will be determined by the Superintendent.
3.If you wish to take your poultry exhibit to the State Fair, please check with the State Fair Book at the Catron County Extension Office.
For additional information please see General Junior Livestock Rules
1. Pen shall consist of three (3) birds approximately 35 – 70 days (5 weeks min. - 10 weeks Max.) old. Minimum weight 3 ½ pounds . Birds may be weighed in the presence of the judge.